So we flew to Salt Lake City, and got to stay there and visit with my Dad and my sister Gina for several days, I also saw my Aunt Jean and my Aunt Virginia both of which I hadn't seen for about 20 years or so. So that was nice, and it's always nice to see my dad and my sister and her kids. Bryce (Gina's) oldest (who by the way got his mission call to Tulsa Oklahoma) came with us when we went to Yellowstone. It was nice to spend some time with him. What a great kid he is. We are so proud of him. All of Gina's kids are great though! I hope that Justin will serve a mission also, and follow in his brother's footsteps. We had a great time, I just wish we could see them more often, but I am certainly grateful for the time we do have.
Ian in his car seat on the airplane,
This is our cabin in Yellowstone. It was pretty nice. Clear out in the boonies. Man the stars at night were gorgeous out there. 
This is Logan and Addi they are so cute, they are our friends Craig & Brook's kids!
Me and my babygirl,....................
Ian's finger in it's favorite place, staying warm...........
These are the hot pots in Yellowstone
These are our great friends Craig & Brooke and their kids, Logan, Sawyer, & Addison, we were able to meet them out at Yellowstone and share a cabin. We had a lot of fun with them. We miss them a lot, but they had to go and move to the Tri-Cities in Washington State, but we still love them and try to do things with them whenever we can. Such a sweet family!
These 2 owls were on our cars in the morning when we woke up, I have never seen such big owls in my life!
More beautiful Yellowstone, ............
Ian playing in the dirt,.......and,...the garbage can,..........
Waiting for Old Faithful to erupt,...............
My nephew Bryce, he is a great kid, we just love him, and wish him well on his mission, he'll be awesome!
And this is Old Faithful,....we couldn't bring ourselves to leave without seeing it first,.....