Today we went to Columbus to finalize Sydney's adoption. Everything went well, and we thought we were all set but then we found out and noone had realized that we had another person in the house that had turned 18, and when that happens you have to have background checks done on anyone that lives in the house that is 18 or older. So they went ahead and did part of the background check by taking Whitley's fingerprints and then running them, and of course found nothing, then there was just one other part that they had to do but it wouldn't be done that day. But we talked to the judge and she said that for all intents and purposes we are basically cleared and finalized that paper just has to come back, and that will happen in a few days and then it will be final, but she said there is nothing to worry about. So basically everything was done and then on the 21st it ended up being final instead of the 10th, so it's all good. We feel so happy and fortunate that everything went smoothly for the most part. We also feel so fortunate to have this beautiful baby girl in our family. She is so sweet and bring such a happy spirit to our home.

And, the hair just keeps on growing.......