Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ian's first swim of the season!
It was really hot out this week so our neighborbor who has a dog that is as big as a horse (almost literally) bought a little doggie pool to bathe his dog but the dog was too big for it so he gave it to us. It is the perfect size for Ian! Thanks "Feeds". Ian was a little apprehensive, but then he kind of decided it was like the bathtub. He still didn't want to stay in very long. He looks cute in his swimming garb though. I tried to put on his 18-month old swim trunks and they were waaaay to big, so I put on his last year trunks, I think they are 6-month and they still fit him great so that's what he is wearing along with the hat that matches. He looks so cute in his sunglasses!