Daddy was saying for a while that everytime he saw Ian he was in his high chair eating, and that's not really too far from the truth! He's a hungry growing boy!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ian loves to eat!
Ian loves to eat, but he has also gotten quite picky. He likes almost all kinds of fruit including grapefruit which is funny. He liked it the first time I gave it to him. He loves cheeseburgers and fries, but we try not to give him those too often. He also loves raisins and he eats a bowl of oatmeal and a piece of toast every morning for breakfast, and he even eats cooked mushrooms by themselves. He loves bread, just like daddy and sissy do. Every time I open the refrigerator, he hears it open and comes running! Whenever it opens he has to be right there in it. I'm not quite sure what he is looking for but it is so cute! Sometimes he won't try what you have to give him to eat, he just seals his lips shut, but if I'm quick, if I know that it is something that he will like, if I can get a little on his lip so that he can lick it then a lot of times he will open up his mouth. Today he wouldn't eat pancakes but I put a teeny bit of syrup on his lip and then he decided that it was good. He also does this thing where if he eats something and decides he doesn't want it anymore, or decides that he doesn't like it, he will hold it in his mouth. One time he held some raisins in his mouth for about 40 minutes and wouldn't spit them out. Finally he got mad enough that they were still there that I was able to get them out. He also has almost all of his teeth. I'm still trying to teach him not to bite me when I'm trying to get that food that he holds in his mouth out. I have to bring half the fridge with me when we go to church just to keep him happy.

Daddy was saying for a while that everytime he saw Ian he was in his high chair eating, and that's not really too far from the truth! He's a hungry growing boy!

Daddy was saying for a while that everytime he saw Ian he was in his high chair eating, and that's not really too far from the truth! He's a hungry growing boy!