Baby started to get his teeth!! He got 2 teeth on the bottom in the front this month and then when I started looking around I could see that he was getting 4 more. His upper front 4 teeth! It's so cute. Here is a picture so you can kind of see his new bottom front teeth.

He's been a little bit crabby because of getting so many teeth in at the same time. I have been giving him Tylenol when he needs it and these teething pills. They are Hyland's teething tablets and they really seem to work well. They are all natural you know Homeopathic but he is funny because every time he sees the bottle he wants his little pills. I don't know if he likes the taste of them or what, but it's very funny! Dan calls them his "Happy Pills". He rolls everywhere he goes. Sometimes when I'm just hanging out with him in the living room I will turn my head and find that he has rolled himself right under a chair and can't get out. It's so cute! He rolls around so that he can kick things too. HE LOVES TO KICK! Everywhere he rolls to it's to find something new to kick! Sometimes I wonder if his heels hurt he kicks so hard! There's a video above you can watch of him kicking!
Here are some more cute pictures of him!

He thinks he is so cute whenever we put something on his head. It's funny!

I love this profile picture of him! You can really see how big his cute little cheeks are! It just makes you want to pinch them!
And that lip!